Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
340 PATA Days 2024 Morphotectonic analysis The study area is located at the northern termination of the fault, where its orientation begins to change (N35-50°) (Fig. 2). In this area, the PF is bounding the mountain front of the Almenara Range. The deformation is distributed in a complex fault system, composed of multiple anastomosing fault strands, which intersect various generations of alluvial fans with sediments derived from the erosion of the main range. The fault is primarily strike-slip, hence typical structures associated with this regime are found. Four generations of alluvial fans have been identified Fig. 1: a) - Geologic map of the EBSZ with the main active faults in red. PF - Palomares Fault AMF – Alhama de Murcia Fault CAF – Carrascoy Fault LT- Los Tollos Fault CF – Carboneras Fault. MF – Moreras Fault. b) - Geologic map of the PF with the main fault traces identified. TF – Terreros Fault VB – Vera Basin PC – Pulpí corredor TB – Tébar Basin (Fig. 2). The oldest generation (Q4) is located near the source area, and the younger ones are prograding to the basin. The Q4 is also found in surfaces protected from erosion by fault movement; e.g. pressure ridges, shutter ridges and push-up structures. Several of these structures can be found in the Feli area, highlighting a series of aligned pressure ridges (Fig. 2). The drainage system is also showing anomalies by the fault movement. The most notable examples are the deflections of the channels of the Ramblas de Purias and the La Garganta, the latter clearly showing sinistral lateral movement of the fault (Fig. 2).
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