Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

R E F E R E N C E S Benischke, S., (2024). Reconstructing Holocene lake level changes at Lake Llanquihue (South-Central Chile) based on field mapping, seismic-stratigraphic analysis and lacustrine sediment core analisis. MSc Thesis, University of Innsbruck. Cisternas, M., Atwater, B., Torrejón, F., et al., (2005). Predecessors of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake. Nature 437, 404–407. Cisternas, M., Carvajal, M., Wesson, R., Ely, L. L., Gorigoitia, N., (2017). Exploring the historical earthquakes preceding the giant 1960 Chile earthquake in a time-dependent seismogenic zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 107, 2664–2675 (2017). Fontijn, K., Rawson, H., Van Daele, M., Moernaut, J., Abarzúa, A.M., Heirman, K., Bertrand, S., Pyle, D.M., Mather, T.A., De Batist, M., Naranjo, J.-A., Moreno, H., (2016). Synchronisation of sedimentary records using tephra: A postglacial tephrochronological model for the Chilean Lake District. Quaternary Science Reviews 137, 234-254 Hocking, E.P., Garrett, E., Aedo, D., Carvajal, M., Melnick, D., (2021). Geological evidence of an unreported historical Chilean tsunami reveals more frequent inundation. Communications Earth and Environment 2, 245. Kempf, P., Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Vandoorne, W., Pino, M., Urrutia, R., De Batist, M., (2017). Coastal lake sediments reveal 5500 years of tsunami history in south central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews 161, 99-116. Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Heirman, K., Fontijn, K., Strasser, M., Pino, M., Urrutia, R., De Batist, M., (2014). Lacustrine turbidites as a tool for quantitative earthquake reconstruction: New evidence for a variable rupture mode in south central Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 119, 1607–1633. Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Fontijn, K., Heirman, K., Kempf, P., Pino, M., Valdebenito, G., Urrutia, R., Strasser, M., De Batist, M., (2018). Larger earthquakes recur more periodically: New insights in the megathrust earthquake cycle from lacustrine turbidite records in south-central Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 481, 9-19. Van Daele, M., Moernaut, J., Doom, L., Boes, E., Fontijn, K., Heirman, K., Vandoorne, W., Hebbeln, D., Pino, M., Urrutia, R., Brümmer, R., De Batist, M., (2015). A comparison of the sedimentary records of the 1960 and 2010 great Chilean earthquakes in 17 lakes: implications for quantitative lacustrine paleoseismology. Sedimentology 62(5), 1466-1496 Wilhelm, B., Nomade, J., Crouzet, C., Litty, C., Sabatier, P., Belle, S., Rolland, Y., Revel, M., Courboulex, F., Arnaud, F., Anselmetti, F., (2016). Quantified sensitivity of small lake sediments to record historic earthquakes: Implications for paleoseismology, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 121, 2–16, Wils, K., Van Daele, M., Kissel, C., Moernaut, J., Schmidt, S., Siani, G., Lastras, G., (2020). Seismo-turbidites in Aysén Fjord (southern Chile) reveal a complex pattern of rupture modes along the 1960 megathrust earthquake segment. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 125(9), e2020JB019405.