Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

330 PATA Days 2024 The regional compilation indicates that its rupture extent and magnitude must have been smaller than those of other historical tsunamigenic megathrust earthquakes in the region. C O N C L U S I O N S We extended a lake transect of seismo-turbidite records and obtained consistent evidence for megathrust earthquakes during the past ~800 years, in which full 1960-like ruptures produced abundant large- scale evidence whereas partial ruptures showed more modest imprints. Correlation of regional tephra layers, for which precise ages can be obtained independently, allows synchronization of records and more robust correlations between lakes. Ongoing research is focused on the quantification of shaking strength based on the seismo-turbidite records. Together with coastal records, this approach will enable pinpointing the along-strike and downdip rupture locations of partial ruptures and better evaluate their role in the overall megathrust seismic cycle. Fig. 3: Master core in the coastal Laguna Gemela West showing 5 tsunami deposits during the last ~500 years, which can be attributed to historical events and compared to the nearby coastal marsh record of Chaihuín (Hocking et al., 2021). A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [10.55776/ P30285], the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) fellowship 12ZC422N and the Millennium Nucleus CYCLO: “the Seismic Cycle along Subduction Zones”. We thanktheFONDEQUIPprojectEQM210133-ANID andAntonioMaldonado for use of their UWITEC coring platform, and the ANR- (France) & SNF- (Switzerland) funded AVATAR project for short-lived radionuclide measurements. S&P Kingdom is acknowledged for their educational user license providing seismic interpretation software. We are grateful to P. Arredondo, K. De Rycker, A. Peña, O. Fuentes, M. Almonacid, and F. Jaure for their assistance during fieldwork, the Ghent University Hospital Radiology Department for the use of the CT scanner, K. Demeestere for CT scanning support, I. Hajdas for radiocarbon sample analysis, J.-N. Haas for determination of organic macroremains. S. Benischke for tephra sample preparation and MSCL scanning, and M. Tribus for guidance during microprobe analysis.