Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

enough applied force, deforming the layers. This mechanism links the observed deformation and the original sediment properties, namely layer thickness, density, and viscosity, with the triggering earthquake peak ground acceleration. Our simulations show how the deformation evolves from linear waves through asymmetric billows, coherent vortices, and fully turbulent breccia (Fig. 2) (Wetzler et al., 2010). At the tops of several slump sheets, we find truncation surfaces overlain with upward-fining breccia. We interpret this sequence as resulting from earthquake- triggered seiche waves (Alsop and Marco, 2012). By converting historical accounts of earthquakes to local intensities and applying regional empirical attenuation relations, we could calibrate the seismites of historical earthquakes and then assess the magnitudes of the entire 220-ka-record. We found that the mean recurrence of MW>7 earthquakes is 1400 ± 160 yrs. Temporal clustering is conspicuous and manifested by a COV of 1.4. The integrated record (historical+seismites) has a b value of 0.95, assuming a Gutenberg-Richter distribution for the Dead Sea region as a whole. 12th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology (PATA), October 6 th -11 th , 2024, Los Andes, Chile G. Figure 1. Examples of soft sediment deformation from outcrops within the Dead Sea Basin, interpreted as seismites. A: A typical exposure of asymmetric folds and thrusts in the lake deposits of the Lisan Formation, DSB. Different styles of deformation in different layers, the lower one is more enriched by aragonite whereas the upper one contains more detritus. B: Linear folds. C: Fold and thrust structures of various sizes. D: Folded folds. E: An example of brittle behavior of the folded layers. F: A breccia layer with upward-finning fragments, some of which still exhibit fold structures. G: Paleoseismic records that corroborate each other in the Dead Sea Basin. Figure 2: Numerical simulation on in situ folded layer and intraclast breccia structures in the Dead Sea sedimentary sequences. a, Typical structures from Dead Sea onshore outcrops (Fig. 1b). b, Typical structures from Dead Sea depocenter Core 5017-1. c, Snapshots from the numerical simulations demonstrating the four structures. d, Quantitative estimation of the accelerations that are needed to initiate the four structures with different thicknesses. A B C D F 80 cm 10 cm 10 cm E 1 m Drill core, 220 ka Outcrops, ~ 70 ka History & Archaeology, ~ 3 ka Fig. 1: Examples of soft sediment deformation from outcrops within the Dead Sea Basin, interpreted as seismites. A: A typical exposure of asymmetric folds and thrusts in the lake deposits of the Lisan Formation, DSB. Different styles of deformation in different layers, the lower one is more enriched by aragonite whereas the upper one contains more detritus. B: Linear folds. C: Fold and thrust structures of various sizes. D: Folded folds. E: An example of brittle behavior of the folded layers. F: A breccia layer with upward- finning fragments, some of which still exhibit fold structures. G: Paleoseismic records that corroborate each other in the Dead Sea Basin.