Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
296 PATA Days 2024 Rupture histories and interevent times By applying the probabilistic aggregation method proposed by Cinti et al. (2021), we correlate the event ages from distinct trenches on each fault, to construct all possible individual fault rupture scenarios for each of the 16 faults, consistent with geological constraints. This method searches for all possible intersections among age series of paleoearthquakes, found in different trenches along the same fault, by means of an ad-hoc developed sweep line algorithm (Bentley and Ottmann, 1979; Cinti et al., 2021). We assign a uniform probability distribution to the maximum age range of the event, identified by the two standard deviations C-14 calibrated data. The adoption of a uniform distribution allows us to rule out any bias on results, coming from more sophisticated, but subjective, PDFs without giving up a probabilistic treatment of data. Following the validation of their consistency with the chronological and stratigraphic constraints provided by paleoseismic investigation, we selected a total of 33 scenarios for the 16 faults (Figure 2) that allow us to obtain information on past surface faulting earthquakes (M6+) in the studied region. Fig. 2: Chronogram of the scenarios computed and selected for faults F1-F16 from the paleoearthquake dataset (Lombardi et al., submitted). The number of scenarios for individual faults is indicated on the left, ranging from 1 to 6. The dots refer to paleoearthquakes correlated with events in the historical catalogs.
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