Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Fig.7: Dikes seismites observed between the top of unit 6 and the base of unit 8 Geraint, O. (2003). Load structures: Gravity-driven sediment mobilization in the shallow subsurface. Geological Society Special Publications, Vol.216, 21-34. doi:10.1144 /GSL. SP .2003.216.01.03 Kuenen, P. (1958). Experiments in Geology. Trans. Geol. Soc. of Glasgow, 1-37. Masana, E., Rodrigues-Pascua, M., & Martinez-Diaz, J. (2011). Los paleoterremotos: estudiando el pasado para entender el futuro. Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, 305'316. McCalpin, J., & Nelson, A. (2009). Introduction to Paleoseismology (Vol. Vol.95). International Geophysics. Shmuel, A., & Amotz, M. (1995). Prehistoric earthquake deformations near Masada, Dead Sea Graben. Geology, 695-698. doi:10.1130/0091- 7613(1995)023<0695: PEDNMD>2. 3.CO; 2 Topal, S., & Özkul, M. (2014). Soft- Sediment Deformation Structures Interpreted as Seismites in the Kolankaya Formation, Denizli Basin (SW Turkey). (K. Nemeth, Ed.) The Scientific World Journal, 13 pages. Wells, D., & Coppersmith, K. (1994). New Empirical Relationships among Magnitude, Rupture Length, Rupture Width, Rupture Area, and Surface Displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 84(No. 4), 974-1002. Obtenido de C O N C L U S I O N The analysis in the field indicated SW and NE Orientations from the scarp fault reflecting the same orientation of the Porotoyacu fault. In the outcrop are observer kinematics normal (R1) and reverse (R2) faulting. The magnitude calculates to R1 and R2 (6.50< (6.50 < < 6.70) and a (6.24 < 6.91) .These types of displacement indicated a magnitudes (Mw>5) showing liquefaction processes originated by ruptures. Despite the paleo- rupture planes in the stratigraphic units, they do not cut the superficial units but, the seismites as dykes, load cast belong to superficial units. Therefore, Porotoyacu is an active fault, as shown by this geological evidence produced in the Quaternary. It is estimated that these ruptures and seismites if they are related with the Porotoyacu Fault. A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S I am grateful to the CTC-006-2020 project of investigation and OLLIN IGCP 669 that supports my topic of thesis. and Tutors. To the University Ikiam by the support in my career and president of the Las Veronicas neighborhood that allows us to realize the study. To Congress PATAdays 2024 for the opportunity to share my knowledge. Finally, thanks to Cornejo. C for their help and patience with the interpretation of seismites.