Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Fig.3: Photomosaic of outcrop, where are present various fault rupture planes and structures of deformation. Fig.4: Digitalization of outcrop with stratigraphic units, rupture planes, seismites, the black points are structural data of rupture planes. R E S U LT / D I S C U S S In the study zone, has been identifying paleo- ruptures in two zones of outcrop and various structures of deformation interpreted as seismites. For this reason, be calculated the events determined with vertical displacement obtained in each rupture as used in the formulas by (Wells & Coppersmith, 1994), (Bonilla, Mark, & Lienkaemper, 1884) . Paleo-rupture with their events and magnitudes With the observation in field, has been identify two mainly ruptures (Figures 3,4) where has estimated the surface wave magnitude( ) and magnitude moment ( ). In the first rupture (R1) has been identify two events with vertical displacement of 0.70 m in the U3 and other with 1.46 affect U1- U2. The last result is the accumulated, then, really this event has a vertical displacement of 0.76 m. To the second rupture (R2) find only an event with a vertical displacement of 0.11 m in the U6- U7. In addition, R1 has a kinematics normal and R2 kinematics reverse. Thus, has been calculated the moment magnitude with the proposal (Wells & Coppersmith, 1994) both to normal faults (N), reverse (R) and undefined faults (All) and the surface wave magnitude of Bonilla (1884). To R1 with a scenario of normal type, we obtain a = 6.91 and = 6.70 by first event. To second event = 6.88 and = 6.68 . To R2 with the second scenario with reverse type faulting for the first and only event, we have a = 6.24 and = 6.51. Finally, to undefined faults for the rupture 1 (R1) we calculated a magnitude of 6.83 for first event and 6.80 for the second event. To rupture 2 (R2) we have a magnitude of 6.13 for the only event.