Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Fig. 1: Ubication of the study area: A) Regional location of the study area: In the Ecuadorian territory base map from ESRI. The red line in the limit represents the contact of Nazca and South America plates. The numerous red lines represent geologic faults that cross the country. The green rectangle delimits the study area. B) Ubication of study are in Napo Province (DEM-Geoportal): The blue star represents the outcrop where the paleoseismological study is performed. The big red line in the center represents the Porotoyacu Fault with its kinematics of Project SARA (Costa, et al., 2020), the black circles represent the cities. The map was made with arc map tools. The system Cutucú-Napo is part of the Oriente Basin, and it’s formed by the uplift of Napo to NO and the mountain range Cutucú to SO (Baby, Rivadeneira, & Barragán, 2004). This study also states that the surface structures of the Cutucú- Napo system are inverted normal to reverse faults. Until 2020, the study of South America Risk Assessment Project (SARA) (Costa, et al., 2020) establishing the presence of the Porotoyacu fault as part of a system of faults Cutucú-Napo. In addition to knowing the location of the trace of Porotoyacu fault through the city of Tena and Archidona Figure. 1) there is no more precise information about its seismic activity. Therefore, to study seismic activity use Paleoseismology such as the study of prehistoric earthquakes by the number of events and their magnitude engraved in the stratigraphy geological (McCalpin & Nelson, 2009). In conjunction with the identification of structures of deformation or seismites are product of the liquefaction (Masana, Rodrigues-Pascua, & Martinez-Diaz, 2011) mainly allows us to interpret the magnitude of seismic events.