Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

286 PATA Days 2024 accrued between the avulsion of the river and the MRE. A small MRE displacement on T1 is borne out from the evidence observed in the trenches on T2 and T4. The trenches show evidence for two or three additional paleoearthquakes in these post-avulsion deposits. However, because there are no additional markers–other than the size and scale of colluvial and/or trough-filling deposits on the downthrown side of the scarp – it must be assumed that each of these events resulted in similar sized displacements. Nevertheless, these two-event values, i.e., c. 5.4 m dextral and 0.7 m vertical, are useful for considering paleo-slip at this northern end of the AF-NS. The smaller displacement associated with the MRE could be indicative of rupture that was tailing to zero displacement nearby, whereas the opposite may be true for the earlier events. These data highlight the power of combining on- and off-fault datasets to better assess future timing and impacts of earthquakes along the AF-NS. Fig. 4: Event and slip history at Marble Hill and from offfault datasets. AMS radiocarbon dates are calibrated using Hogg et al. (2020). additional paleoearthquakes in these post-avulsion deposits. However, because there are no additional markers – other than the size and scale of colluvial and/or trough-filling deposits on the downthrown side of the scarp – it must be assumed that each of these events resulted in similar sized displacements. Nevertheless, these two-event values, i.e., c. 5.4 m dextral and 0.7 m vertical, are useful for considering paleo-slip at this northern end of the AF-NS. The smaller displacement associated with the MRE could be indicative of rupture that was tailing to zero displacement nearby, whereas the opposite may be true for the earlier events. These data highlight the power of combining on- and off-fault datasets to better assess future timing and impacts of earthquakes along the AF-NS. Figure. 4: Event and slip history at Marble Hill and from off- fault datasets. AMS radiocarbon dates are calibrated using Hogg et al. (2020). Acknowledgements: We thank the Dept of Conservation (DoC) NZ for allowing us to trench at Marble Hill. We acknowledge xxxx xxxx, yyyy yyyy, and zzzzz zzzz for review A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We thank the Dept of Conservation (DoC) NZ for allowing us to trench at Marble Hill. We acknowledge xxxx xxxx, yyyy yyyy, and zzzzz zzzz for review comments on this article. Funding for much of this work was originally provided by the Natural Hazards Research Platform.