Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Fig. 2 : Example of left-lateral offset across limestones along one of the main fault segments. explore prospective pits to locate suitable locations for paleoseismological trenches. We are also experimenting with subaqueous imaging techniques to investigate whether any tectonic deformation extends to the lake bottom. Quantifying deformation through 3D reconstruction of the archaeological remains At the scale of the Villards d’Héria sancturary, where the remains are well preserved, we plan to quantify deformations at an subcentimeter and millimeter scale on geological and archaeological markers through a detailed analysis of ortho-images and high-resolution Digital Surface Model. This approach will facilitate the systematic examination of disorders, linear and/ or angular deformations, and their comparison, by juxtaposing surveys a few meters apart. We also need to check the kinematic consis tency of different archaeological markers at the archaeological site scale, to confirm the surface- rupture hypothesis. R E S U LT S A N D D I S C U S S I O N S Along the MVF trace running from Annecy to the Jura Mountains, we detected 342 lineaments (Fig. 1). About 45% of themwere identified as fault segments, showing signs of kinematics, with 75% of them exhibiting left lateral motion (red segments, Fig. 1), predominantly in theNW-SE direction. Segments with other orientations and kinematics may be old inherited faults, or secondary faults conjugated to the main faults (black segments, Fig. 1). R E F E R E N C E S Baize, S., Cushing, M., Lemeille, F., Gelis, C., Texier, D., Nicoud, G., & Schwenninger, J.-L. (2011). Contribution to the seismic hazard assessment of a slow active fault, the Vuache fault in the southern Molasse basin (France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de Francev 182(4), 347‑365. De La Taille, C. (2015). Évaluation de l’activité tectonique quaternaire des failles du Jura Méridional (France) [Phdthesis, Université Grenoble Alpes]. Nouvel, P., Bichet, V., Doyen, É., & Vurpillot, D. (2018). Les sanctuaires des Villards d'Héria (Jura) études paléoenvironnementales, hydrogéologiques et archéologiques d'un complexe religieux Gallo- Romain. Revue Archéologique de Picardie, 32, 103‑114. Smeraglia, L., Fabbri, O., & Choulet, F. (2021). Variation in structural styles within fold- and-thrust belts : Insights from field mapping, cross-sections balancing, and 2D-kinematic model ling in the Jura mountains (Eastern France). Journal of Structural Geology, 149, 104381. Thouvenot, F., Fréchet, J., Tapponnier, P., Thomas, J.-C., Le Brun, B., Ménard, G., Lacassin, R., Jenatton, L., Grasso, J.-R., Coutant, O., Paul, A., & Hatzfeld, D. (1998). The M L 5.3 Épagny (French Alps) earthquake of 1996 July 15 : A long-awaited event on the Vuache Fault. Geophysical Journal International, 135(3), 876‑892.