Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
276 PATA Days 2024 Fig. 1 : Geomorphological imprint of the fault based on a 5-m-spatial resolution DEM, and on a 25-cm-spatial resolution DEM in the boxed area. M E T H O D S Geomorphological studies Firstofall,ourobjective is tocarryoutacompletegeomorphological andtectonicanalysis.Toidentifymarkersofhorizontaldisplacements. we analyzed the geomorphological imprint of the fault based on a regional 5-m-spatial resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), as well as on a 25-cm-spatial resolution DEM (Fig. 2) around the Villards d’Héria area (black square in Fig. 1). The markers we specifically targeted were lineaments, surface fractures, watercourses, limestone benches, ridge lines, valley bottoms, large depressions or surrections, and geological units as a whole. Paleoseismological investigation Paleoseismological investigation To better assess the tectonic history of the MVF, we intend to conduct a statistical analysis of striation orientations, coupled to dating of kinematic markers (U-Pb or U-Th, depending on their age). In addition, to enrich the timing of surface-rupturing events, we will perform a twofold paleoseismological investigation. We will focus on: 1: examining the stratigraphic records in the lacustrine sediments of the Lake d’Antre, which is bounded by a MVF segment to the south (Fig. 2). 2: trenching across fault scarps to unearth rupture traces in the Holocene sediments and soils. These two data sets will, we hope, enable us to complete the chronology by going back in time, covering (partly) the Holocene. A set of sediment cores was already retrieved from the lake in June 2023, and their analysis is currently in progress. Concurrently, we will conduct Electric Resistivity Tomography profiles and
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