Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

260 PATA Days 2024 D I S C U S S I O N The estimated displacement around the fault linkage zones varies and abruptly changes at different locations and in different evolution stages of segment linkage (Kim & Sanderson, 2005). Three stages can be recognized in segment linkage growth: isolated faults (stage 1), soft-linked faults (stage 2), and hard-linked faults (stage 3) (Peacock & Sanderson, 1991). When both isolated faults initiate to interact, the displacement is almost zero in the linkage zone. However, hard linkage abruptly increases the fault length and the linked segments rapidly accumulate displacement near the linkage zones, activating as a single through-going fault (Kim & Sanderson, 2005). For example, the Sürgü Fault is located and connected between the surface ruptures of two earthquakes (fig. 3 in Provost et al., 2024). Despite two strong earthquakes and surface ruptures, the Sürgü Fault was not reactivated, but the Dogansehir fault zone was reactivated. However, the aftershocks of both faults were concentrated around the eastern parts and tip- damage zones of both faults. Moreover, the E-W trending surface rupture of the Elbistan earthquake abruptly rotated to the NE-SW trend. In particular, the Pazarcik earthquake propagated an ENE- WSW trend with aftershock concentration. A high potential of future earthquakes might be along the Sürgü Fault. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the paleoseismic characteristics of the Sürgü Fault in detail. The accurate assessment of future earthquake hazards strongly depends on the proper evaluation of the past earthquake activity in an area (e.g. Ambraseys, 2006). Hence, palaeoseismological studies of active faults can yilde critical insights, such as coseismic slips, ages of events, and recurrence intervals (e.g. Caputo & Helly, 2008), which can provide useful information regarding neotectonic patterns of seismicity, tectonic deformation and earthquake behavior of specific faults (McCalpin, 2009). Therefore, understanding damage zone development and proper application of damage zone patterns and their characteristics can contribute significantly to site selection and securing long-term geological safety for important structures, such as nuclear facilities and high-level waste disposal sites. C O N C L U S I O N It is difficult to predict the exact times, magnitude, seismic characteristics, and locations of future earthquakes using the current technology and knowledge. Thus, to reduce earthquake damage, the controllable factors should be identified and collected to prepare for future earthquakes. Coseismic surface rupture is one of the most dangerous primary effects of large earthquakes. Artificial structures are vulnerable to large earthquakes because the stress along ruptures associated with a large earthquake is enormous and quickly released over a short period along a very narrow zone. However, surface ruptures, main shocks, aftershocks, and fault damage zones are closely related, and thus partly predictable and avoidable based on detailed structural and paleoseismic analyses of faults and related features. Detailed analyses of geological faults and earthquake ruptures based on the concept of fault damage zone and earthquake mechanism can