Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
and the main shocks are located at one end of the faults (Fig. 2), as suggested by Kim & Sanderson (2008). The fault propagation direction of the Pazarcik earthquake is ENE-WSW, while the fault propagation direction of the Elbistan earthquake is westward (Figs. 1&2). Moreover, steep displacement gradients are indicative of damage zones, particularly at the linkage points between different segments or at endpoints (tip damage zones). This suggests that the displacement gradient is a more significant factor in the development of damage than the actual amount of displacement itself. The major surface ruptures developed as simple linear patterns, whereas the minor surface ruptures were mainly concentrated at the linkage- and tip-damage zones showing complex patterns. Detailed surface rupture lines well coincided with the high displacement showing obvious linear patterns, while the extension of surface ruptures is not long and scattered patterns (fig 1 in Reitman et al., 2023). The fault zonewidth is very variable along the fault and the relationship between maximum displacement and fault length has been studied to estimate fault dimensions based on the empirical fault scaling relationship (Kim & Sanderson, 2005). The total displacements and fault zone widths generated by both earthquakes are inversely proportional (Provost et al., 2024). In other words, in areas where displacement increases steeply, fault zone width abruptly decreases. It indicated that enormous stress is released along the main fault generating high displacements, but the residual stress is distributed around the damage zones forming wide damage zones with relatievely lower displacement. Fig. 1. Distribution of the displacement of both earthquakes (modified from Provost et al., 2024). Respect distance for site selection The width of the damage or deformation zone is one of the key factors to be considered for estimating the affected areasof important facilities. Faultdamage zones commonly exhibit asymmetrical patterns in both cross- and along- faults (e.g. Kim et al., 2003; Berg & Skar, 2005). The asymmetrical widths of fault damage zones are dependent on different stress conditions between fault blocks, such as the hanging walls and footwalls of dip-slip faults (Knott et al., 1996; Mandl, 2000) as well as the different rock properties across faults (e.g. Berg & Skar, 2005; Jin et al., 2018). Generally, the fault damage zone is wider around the hanging wall than around the footwall (Caine et al., 1996; Berg & Skar 2005; Ota et al., 2005). Along strike- slip faults, damage zones are commonly more dominant in dilational quadrants than in contractional quadrants, especially in linking and tip damage zones. Kim et al. (2000) argued that these differences are closely related to the dissimilarities between the slip properties on the two sides of a fault tip. Hence, to predict the deformation zone width properly, it is necessary to understand the 3D architectures and related asymmetrical patterns of fault damage zones. Although the concept of respect distance is essential for assessing earthquake hazards around active faults, asymmetrical characteristics of damage around faults and ruptures should be considered. Also, damage zones are affected by the segment linkage and propagation direction(Kim&Sanderson, 2008).Therefore, the respect distance should be carefully considered, considering the characteristics of damage development to determine safe and economical distances from earthquake faulting.
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