Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
Roy, S., Vassallo, R., Martinod, J., Ghiglione, M. C., Sue, C., & Allemand, P. (2020). Co-seismic deformation and post-glacial slip rate along the Magallanes- Fagnano fault, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina. Terra Nova , 32(1), 1-10. Roy, S., Vassallo, R., Martinod, J., & Sue, C. (2023). Ten Thousand Years of Paleo-Earthquakes Record of the Magallanes- Fagnano Plate Boundary Fault in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Tectonics , 42(4). Sandoval, F. B., & De Pascale, G. P. (2020). Slip rates along the narrow Magallanes Fault System, Tierra del Fuego Region, Patagonia. Scientific Reports , 10(1), 8180. Smalley Jr, R., Kendrick, E., Bevis, M. G., Dalziel, I . W. D., Taylor, F., Lauría, E., Barriga, R., Casassa, G., Olivero, E., & Piana, E. (2003). Geodetic determination of relative plate motion and crustal deformation across the Scotia‐South America plate boundary in eastern Tierra del Fuego. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 4(9). Vassallo, R., Martinod, J., Roy, S., Sue, C., & Astrade, L. (2024). Along‐strike variation of fault slip rate of a transform plate boundary in Tierra del Fuego (South Patagonia). Terra Nova. Waldmann, N., Anselmetti, F. S., Ariztegui, D., Austin Jr, J. A., Pirouz, M., Moy, C. M., & Dunbar, R. (2011). Holocene mass-wasting events in Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego (54° S): implications for paleoseismicity of the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault. Basin Research, 23(2), 171-190. of crustal deformation in Tierra del Fuego from GNSS velocities. Tectonophysics , 651, 58-65. Mendoza, L. P. O., Richter, A., Marderwald, E. R., Hormaechea, J.L., Connon, G., Scheinert, M., Dietrich, R., & Perdomo, R.A.(2022). Horizontal and vertical deformation rates linkedto the Magallanes‐ Fagnano Fault, Tierra del Fuego:Reconciling geological and geodetic observations bymodeling the current seismic cycle. Tectonics , 41(1). Onorato, M. R., Perucca, L. P., Coronato, A., López, R., & Blanc, P.(2020). Evidencias morfotectónicas en el sistema defallas Magallanes-Fagnano, borde transformante entre lasplacas Sudamericana y Scotia, isla Grande de Tierra delFuego. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 77(1),47-61. Onorato, M. R., Perucca, L. P., Coronato, A., Prezzi, C., Blanc, P. A., López, R., & Magneres, I . (2021). Morphotectonic characterization along the eastern portion of the main trace of Magallanes- Fagnano Fault System in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences , 112, 103550. Pedrera, A., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Ruiz-Constán, A., Bohoyo, F., Torres-Carbonell, P., Ruano, P., Maestro, A., & González-Castillo, L. (2014). The last major earthquakes along the Magallanes–Fagnano fault system recorded by disturbed trees (Tierra del Fuego, South America). Terra Nova , 26(6), 448-453. R E F E R E N C E S Bujalesky, G. G. (2007). Coastal geomorphology and evolution of Tierra del Fuego (Southern Argentina). Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal, 5(4), 337-362. Cisternas, A., & Vera, E. (2008). Sismos históricos y recientes en Magallanes. Magallania (Punta Arenas) , 36(1), 43-51. Costa, C. H., Smalley Jr, R., Schwartz, D. P., Stenner, H. D., Ellis, M., Ahumada, E. A., & Velasco, M. S. (2006). Paleoseismic observations of an onshore transform boundary: the Magallanes-Fagnano fault, Tierra del Fuego Argentina. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 61(4), 647-657. Klepeis, K. A. (1994). Relationship between uplift of the metamorphic core of the southernmost Andes and shortening in the Magallanes foreland fold and thrust belt, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Tectonics , 13(4), 882-904. Lodolo, E., Menichetti, M., Bartole, R., Ben‐Avraham, Z., Tassone, A., & Lippai, H. (2003). Magallanes‐ Fagnano continental transform fault (Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America). Tectonics , 22(6). Lomnitz, C. (1970). Major earthquakes and tsunamis in Chile during the period 1535 to 1955. Geologische Rundschau, 59(3), 938–960. Mendoza, L., Richter, A., Fritsche, M., Hormaechea, J. L., Perdomo, R., & Dietrich, R. (2015). Block modeling
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