Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

196 PATA Days 2024 The active fault network in the Colca Region plays a pivotal role in the complex hydrogeological thermal system (Tyc et al., 2022). These seismogenic faults may serve as barriers to the infiltration of meteoric waters, provide conduits for hydrothermal solutions, facilitate the movement of gases aiding in the heating of meteoric water, and act as pathways for the ascent of heated waters to the surface. The results of palaeoseismological trenching confirmed previously suggested capability to produce large, magnitude > 7, seismic events (e.g., Benavente et al., 2015, 2017; Gaidzik & Więsek, 2021; Gaidzik et al., 2022). Recent studies indicated Coulomb stress transfer resulting from significant earthquakes or magmatic inflation seems not to be a dominant factor determining the occurrence and location of earthquakes in the Colca River region (Woszczycka et al., 2024). Thus, further studies are needed not only to determine their seismic history and potential seismic hazard but also to understand the sources of stress and interplay between seismic and volcanic activity. A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S This research was funded by the National Science Centre (Poland), grant No 2020/39/B/ST10/00042. Special thanks to Paul Navarro for all the help in the field and to the local communities of the Colca region for giving us access to work and help in the field.