Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
C O N C L U S I O N S Preliminary results obtained from the trenches align with the maximum magnitudes calculated based on seismo-lineaments and using scaling relationships (see Gaidzik and Więsek, 2021), posing a significant seismic threat to local communities of the Colca Region. Fig. 2: Palaeoseismological trenches across the Solarpampa and Trigal Faults. a – Fault scarps, sag pond and dammed valleys, together with location of trenches across Trigal (T1- T4) and Solarpampa (S1) Faults (based on GoogleEarth satellite image), b – excavation of the S1 trench, active Sabancaya and Ampato volcanoes in the background, c – 60-80 m high scarps delimiting the western section of the Solarpampa Fault, d – ~50 m high scarps of the central section of the Trigal Fault (near the trench T2), e – excavation of T1 trench in the western extreme of the Trigal Fault. Yellow triangles – a trace of the mapped active faults.
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