Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Figs. 1). These are usually represented by the NW-striking strike- slip faults (especially sinistral) and W-striking normal faults (Benavente et al., 2017; Gaidzik et al., 2020; Woszczycka et al., 2024). Instrumental catalogs for this region include numerous shallow earthquakes (< 10 km depth) of magnitude generally not exceeding 6.0, yet still destructive for infrastructure and catastrophic for local communities, such as M 5.7 Huambo- Cabanaconde Earthquake (17.07.2013), M 5.3 Ichupampa Earthquake (14.08.2016), M 5.5 Maca Earthquake (16.03.2022) and many others (e.g., Antayhua et al., 2002; Delgado et al., 2016; Benavente et al., 2017; Gaidzik et al., 2020; Gaidzik & Więsek, 2021; Tavera et al., 2022; Woszczycka et al., 2024). The area is also affected by mass movement processes (e.g., Gaidzik et al., 2020) and volcanic activity manifested by thermal springs and geysers (Tyc et al., 2022), and in recent years emissions of ashes and fumaroles from the nearby Sabancaya volcano (Machaca et al., 2023). However, the mutual relationships between volcanic and seismic activities are still a matter of discussion (see MacQueen et al., 2020; Tavera et al., 2022; Woszczycka et al., 2024). To comprehend the direct and indirect interplay between seismic and volcanic activities, as well asmassmovement processes, together with their history, we propose a multidisciplinary approach. This approach integrates field tectonic, geomorphological, and geophysical surveys, morphotectonic analysis, review of recent event focal mechanisms, computation of seismo-lineaments, hydrogeochemical and isotopic analysis of springs and geysers linked to crustal faults, palaeoseismological trenching, dating of potentially coseismic rockslides, examination of deformed sediments intrenches andnatural outcrops, calculationofCoulomb stress-transfer between studied faults, and archaeoseismological studies of churches and pre-Hispanic archaeological sites. Here, we present the preliminary results of the palaeoseismological trenches opened across two of the complex fault systems between Huambo and Cabanaconde, i.e., Trigal and Solarpampa Faults. R E S U LT S & D I S C U S S I O N The combination of field mapping, enhanced by digital elevation model (DEM) geomorphometric and morphotectonic analyses, points to W- to NW-striking scarps representing the surface expressions of seismogenic faults in the Colca Region (see also Benavente et al., 2017; Gaidzik et al., 2020; Gaidzik &Więsek, 2021; Gaidzik et al., 2022). Along the trace of these features, we also observed river offsets, sag ponds, beheaded streams, pressure ridges,