Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
technique, likely repurposed as a corral wall after the site's abandonment. Both walls, currently 90cm wide and reaching up to 3.7 meters in height, exhibit tilting—inward for the southern wall and outward for the northern wall—commencing at 1 meter above the ground. These findings collectively suggest co-seismic shaking of at least intensity VII (based on Earthquake Archaeological Effects (EAEs) by Rodríguez-Pascua et al., 2013), as a plausible cause for the observed damages. Following the relocation of the Laiqa Laiqa population to Santa Cruz de Tuti, now known as Mawchu Llacta or "Old Town," situated at an elevation of 4100 meters in the puna (Fig. 2), the settlement boasts a checkerboard grid layout covering about 40 Fig. 2: Reconstruction of the history of resettlement from Malata to Laiqa Laiqa, Mawchu Llacta and finally to the modern town of Tuti with proposed reasons of relocation. Photographs on the right present main features of studies sites: Malata – rounded houses in relatively good conditions, Laiqa Laiqa – U-shaped collapse of the church southern wall, Tuti – exaggerated buttresses and torn and displaced walls in the modern Tuti church, Mawchu Llacta – strongly tilted inward walls of the main church. hectares. This urban plan comprises over 500 standing fieldstone buildings of varying preservation states (Wernke, 2015). In the southwestern part, elevated on a platform, the ruin of a church, six associated chapels (all in ruins by 1792), and additional buildings unfold. The church, measuring 40 meters in length along the E-W axis and 7.5 meters in width, with its entrance in the east and altar in the west, displays extensive damages. Walls exhibit inward tilting exceeding 10 degrees (Fig. 2), prominent buttresses of diverse styles and materials indicative of multiple construction phases, U-shaped collapses in the church complex, a partly collapsed tower, an additional tilted wall in the inner church patio, remnants of previous reconstructions in the
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