Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

184 PATA Days 2024 Several of these criteria are met for the Dalvik Lineament indicating that this is a viable method for further investigation in this region. Figure 3 is an example of a large landslide in the DL zone along the eastern side of Eyjafjörður. Figure 3. D displays the variable grain size of the land slide deposit, as dominantly course grained material is present. However, additional work is required from a dating perspective which is planned for the next field season. Additional periglacial processes may aid landslide movement, however based on the preliminary results, the earthquake frequency and location appear to be the main control on the distribution of landslides within the study area, and therefore may provide insight to the location of concealed active faults. Utilizing this exploration method for fault identification will assist in future geothermal exploration within the region due to manifestation of geothermal springs in proximity to faults, fractures, and dike swarms. Future work includes targeted fault and dike mapping along coastal cliff faces, as well as in selected zones that have undergone seismic events in proximity to mapped landslides. C O N C L U S I O N S Landslide frequency and distribution within Trollaskagi has been confirmed to align with the historic and ongoing seismic activity. Early mapping shows that the seismic lineament doesn’t not well correspond with tectonic fault scarp, although not all areas have been investigated. But the exact source, i.e. active faults, of this and how it ties into the geothermal system requires further investigation. Planned fieldwork to address this will yield additional insights into the southernmost portion of the TFZ. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This work was supported by a University of Iceland Research Fund, a start up fund from the Institute of Earth Science of the University of Iceland, and a grant from OR Energy.