Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
Figure 2: Stratigraphic section of the pit C1. R E F E R E N C E S Abad, M., Izquierdo, T., Cáceres, M., Bernárdez, E., Rodriguez- Vidal, J. (2020). Coastal boulder deposit as evidence of an ocean-wide prehistoric tsunami originated on the Atacama Desert coast (northern Chile). Sedimentology 67, 1505- 1528. Easton, G., González-Alfaro, J., Villalobos, A., Álvarez, G., Melgar, D., Ruiz, S., Sepúlveda, B., Escobar, M., León, T., Báez, J.C., Izquierdo, T., Forch, M., Abad, M. (2022). Complex rupture of the 2015 MW 8.3 I llapel earthquake and prehistoric events in the Central Chile tsunami gap. Seismological Research Letters, 93(3), 1479-1496. León, T., Vargas, G., Salazar, D., Goff, J., Guendon, J. L.,Andrade, P., & Alvarez, G. (2019). Geo-archaeological records of large Holocene tsunamis along the hyperarid coastal Atacama Desert in the major northern Chile seismic gap. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220, 335-358. Salazar, D., Easton, G., Goff, J., Guendon, J.L., González-Alfaro, J., Andrade, P., Villagrán, X., Fuentes, M., León, T., Abad, M., Izquierdo, T., Power, X., Sitzia, L., Álvarez, G., Villalobos, A., Olguín, L., Yrarrázaval, S., González, G., Flores, C., Borie, C., Castro, V., Campos, J. (2022). Did a 3800-year- old Mw~ 9.5 earthquake trigger major social disruption in the Atacama Desert?. Science advances, 8(14), eabm2996.
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