Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
S. Pucci, K. Kuterdem, B. M. Tekin, C. Erkmen, T. S. Köksal, R. Azzaro, R. Nappi, R. Nave, R. Ressurreiçao, E. Peronace, C. Varone, L. Schilirò, S. Baize, L. Piccardi, A. M. Blumetti, P. Di Manna, V. Comerci, F. Ferrarini, S. Bello, M. Caciagli, R. Civico, P. M. De Martini, O. Tatar Documenting the surface rupture of the 06 February 2023 Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) earthquake (Türkiye): the European Earthquake Geology Task Force (EuQuaGe) M. T. Ramírez-Herrera, N. Corona, J. Cerny, K. Giadzik, D. Sugawara, S. L. Forman, M. L. Machain-Castillo, A. Gogichaishvili Revealing the potential for high- magnitude earthquakes: Tsunami deposits as indicator in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico S. Rebolledo, J. González, M. Lara, G. Easton Landslide susceptibility associated with the San Ramón Fault, Santiago Andean foothills K. Reicherter, S. Baize, V. Steinritz, S. Pena-Castellnou, J. Hürtgen Neotectonics and paleoseismicity in intraplate low seismicity settings of central Europe (Germany) A. Richard, L. Jagoe, R. Quiroga, V. Alvarellos Assessment of neotectonic deformation through morphometric analysis: a case study in La Rinconada, Argentina T. Rockwell, R. Almeida, A. R. Simms Can the Mariana subduction complex generate M9 class megathrust events? Testing the classic Uyeda and Kanamori subduction zone model in Guam B. Saldaña, M. Cisternas, M. Carvajal, A. Carreño, M. Guerra Ecological evidence of sudden coastal level changes associated to historical Metropolitan Chile earthquakes P. G. Silva, M. A. Rodríguez Pascua, R. Pérez-López, J. L. Giner, J. Elez, E. Roquero Ancient earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula: from the Middle Ages to Neolithic times P. Štepanciková, J. Flašar, T. Rockwell, J. Stemberk, P. Táborik, Ch. Goswami, Filip H., H. Sana Variability of late Cenozoic activity along-strike the Mariánské Lázne Fault (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) J. Szczygiel, B. Grasemann, L. Plan, J. Hellstrom Late Pleistocene transpression of the Königssee-Lammertal- Traunsee Fault inferred from caves deformation (European Eastern Alps) J. Szczygiel, J. Zasadni, P. Klapyta, M. Woszczycka, K. Gaidzik, M. Mendecki, A. Sobczyk, C. Grützner Late Pleistocene surface fault rupture in the slowly-deforming Podhale Basin (western Carpathians): implications for paleoseismology and geodynamics A. Testa, L. Benedetti, P. Boncio, S. Baize, F. Mirabella, S. Pucci, R. Civico First estimate of the long-term fault displacement and slip rates of the Anghiari normal fault (northern Apennines, Italy) M. Van Daele, D. Croenen, K. Wils, A. Ramisch, M. Fuentealba, J. Moernaut, M. Frugone-Álvarez, M. Cisternas, B. Valero-Garcés The 600 yr Laguna Lo Encañado paleoseismic archive: a shaking record for Santiago de Chile A. Villalobos, G. Easton, G. De Pascale Paleoseismic evidence of active faulting and landslide events in Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System: insights from the 2007 Aysén earthquake sequence S. Wassaf, P. Jara, I. Jiménez, S. Laclabere Landslide and tsunami risks mitigation in coastal urban areas: a case of study in Coronel (37ºS, Chile) using analogue modelling K. Wils, M. Niederstätter, V. Moreno Allende, M. Van Daele, J. Konzett, A. Molenaar, J. N. Haas, O. Evrard, K. Fontijn, D. Melnick, R. Urrutia, M. Pino, M. De Batist, J. Moernaut A long lacustrine sedimentary record of 1960-like earthquakes in south-central Chile 410 416 422 430 436 440 446 448 456 464 468 474 480 484 492 500
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