Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

The seismic activity in Bolivia recorded by the Observatorio San Calixto is mainly located west of the Bolivian territory and is primarily associatedwith the subduction of theNazca plate beneath the South American coast. Earthquakes occur at depths ranging from 0 to 200 km. A deeper seismic activity, still connected to the subduction process, is observed beneath the Altiplano (AP on Fig. 1), extending further eastward below the eastern cordilleras and Chaco Basin Plains (CBP), with depths occasionally exceeding 500 km (Fig. 1, Minaya, 2012; Fernandez et al., 2019). The shallower seismic activity located along the eastern edge of the Altiplano, from the eastern cordillera to the front of the mountain range, is primarily concentrated in the center of the BolivianOrocline (BO). The area is aDected by a complex tectonic setting involving several active faults, including the main thrust systemwhich accommodates part of the shortening at the front of the range, as well as multiple strike slip fault system the Cochabamba Fault (CF) and the Rio Novillero Fault (RNF) (e.g. Eichelberger and McQuarrie, 2015). These faults are seismogenic and expose the area to seismic hazards, as demonstrated by the occurrence of the Aiquile earthquake in 1998, a shallow Mw 6.6 (Funning et al. 2005). Despite recent tectonic studies, the seismic activity of the faults, and their seismogenic potential, remain poorly constrained due to the low capacity of the national seismological network in the area. Here we present the characteristics of the Grst six months of data from Proyecto Oroclino Boliviano Network (POBnet), the first instrumental seismic network established above the seismicity of the Cochabamba region in 2022. The objective of this experiment is to enhance the detection capability and the hypocenter localisation of regional earthquakes, as well as to investigate their association with the fault system.