Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
on the fault trace (Easton et al., 2018). This is a risk element not yet included in Chilean public policies, whose consideration is essential regarding the sustainability of the city, since a growing population lives directly on its trace as well as in its surroundings (Easton et al., 2022). To improve knowledge on the location of the fault trace is an important at the same time difficult issue given the increasing urbanization of the area. In this work, we present results from ongoing analysis from surface exploration of the fault trace from LiDAR data, together with new observations from paleoseismological trenches and geophysical subsurface exploration of the San Ramón Fault. Fig. 1: Location of the San Ramón Fault in the eastern border of Santiago, at the western foot of the Andes (Easton et al., 2022).
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