Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

S U M M A R Y While theoriginal photographs of the1976 rupturedefine a singlenarrow rupturemole track, theERTsurvey indicates that theremaybe additional parallel strands of the fault accommodating the deformation. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This research was conducted as a part of the Guatemala GeoHazards InternationalResearchExperience for Students programdirectedbyTina M.Niemi andfundedbytheNationalScienceFoundation(AwardOISE- 2153715). Additional fundingwas provided by aUniversity ofMissouri- Kansas City undergraduate SEARCH award and a Tyler Center for Global Studies research grant to Dollens. We thank the 2023 Guatemala GeoHazards IRES team for assistance in field data acquisition. A special thanks toProfs. Francisco (Paco)Gomez andAlisonGraettinger for their support and guidance throughout multiple stages of this work. CG was funded by the GermanResearch FoundationDFG, project 529303576. R E F E R E N C E S Bucknam, R.C., G. Plafker, & R.V. Sharp, (1978). Fault movement (afterslip) following the Guatemala earthquake of February 4, 1976. Geology 6, 170-173. Espinosa, A. F., Editor, (1976). The Guatemalan Earthquake of February 4, 1976, A Preliminary Report, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1002, 90 p. Plafker, G., (1976). Tectonic aspects of the Guatemala earthquake of 4 February 1976. Science 193 (4259), 1201-1208. Plafker, G., (1977). Color slides showing geologic effects and damage caused by the destructive Guatemala earthquake of February 4, 1976. USGS Open-File Report 77-165. Plafker, G., (1978). A Guide to the Motagua Fault Field Trip: International Symposium on the February 4, 1976 Guatemala Earthquake and the Reconstruction Process, Guatemala City, May 15-19, 1978. McEnaney T.N. & T.M. Niemi, (2021). Building a georeferenced database for the 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake rupture of the Motagua fault system along the North American- Caribbean Plate Boundary: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 53, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-370687. McEnaney, T.N., T.M Niemi, J. Obrist Farner, & O. Flores, (2022). Paleoseismic trenching of the 1976 Guatemalan earthquake rupture of the Motagua Fault along the North American-Caribbean plate boundary at the Gualan site: Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Niemi, T.M., O. Flores Beltetón, J. Obrist Farner, F. Gomez, J. Maurer, T.N. McEnaney, A. Dollens, C. Grützner, & C. Pérez, (2024). New LiDAR, paleoseismic trench, and ERT data across the 1976 Guatemala earthquake rupture of the Motagua fault along the North American-Caribbean plate boundary: PATA Chile. Niemi, T.M., T.N. McEnaney, J. Obrist Farner, O. Flores, & C. Pérez Arias, ( 2022). A new look at the ground rupture of the Motagua Fault in the 1976 Guatemalan earthquake along the Caribbean-North American plate boundary: International Workshop on the Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, Aix-de- Provence, France, sciencesconf. org: patadays-2022:408864, 137-140.