Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
A. Dollens, T. Niemi, I. Torres Ewert, J. Lee, C. Grützner, C. Pérez Arias, O. Flores Beltetón Electrical resistivity tomography imaging of the Motagua Fault along the 1976 earthquake rupture in Guatemala G. Easton, N. Campillay, I. Aguirre, C. Valderas, A. Villalobos, J. González-Alfaro, S. Rebolledo Surface and subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago at the western foot of the Andes G. A. Fernández, L. Bollinger, B. Delouis, B. Derode, M. Nieto Mid-crustal earthquakes and their relation to faults under the Bolivian Orocline J. Flašar, P. Štepancíková, K. Martínek, K. Verner, R. Kalinová Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the terrain and fluvial systems in the area of Novohradské hory Mts. (Bohemian Massif, Czechia, central Europe): multidisciplinary approach M. Forch, G. Easton, M. Abad Geological record of Holocene tsunami deposits in Carrizal Bajo wetland (~28ºS), Atacama Desert, Chile D. Forester, G. P. De Pascale Preliminary seismic and structural controls of late Quaternary landslide distribution in the Dalvik Lineament, north Iceland K. Gaidzik, A. Tyc, J. Ciesielczuk, M. Benavente, C. Benavente, M. Kázmér Unravelling repeated abandonment and new settlements in the Upper Colca Region (Peru) - archaeoseismological study K. Gaidzik, A. Tyc, M. Woszczycka, M. T. Ramírez-Herrera, C. Benavente, J. Ciesielczuk, L. Audin Exploring the seismic history of crustal faults in the Colca Region E. Gath Uplift and neotectonic development of the Puente Hills in Los Angeles, Riverside and Orange counties, southern California G. González, L. Astudillo, I. del Río Paleoseismology of the Atacama Fault System: tracing the relationship between subduction earthquake and upper plate faulting Y. González, G. González, E. Jensen Frictional properties and deformation mechanisms of upper- plate faults reactivation triggered by subduction earthquakes: insights from the Atacama Fault System J. González-Alfaro, B. Potin, C. Gutiérrez, S. Ruiz, C. Ulloa, G. Easton Unraveling the microseismicity activity of the Puerto Aldea Fault: Seismic hazard assessment along coastal La Serena-Tongoy, northern Chile (preliminary results) J. Griffin, D. Clark, J. Kemp, M. Stirling, T. King, O. Kulesza, J. La Greca, A. Sharma, M. Quigley, D. Ninis, T. Pietsch, B. Eaton, K. Wilcken Large earthquake recurrence in the Snowy Monaro region: first dated Holocene rupture and strike-slip fault evidence for Australia I. Gutiérrez, G. Easton, S. Rebolledo Characterization of the structural geology and damage zone of the San Ramón Fault J. R. Kearse, R. J. Van Dissen, T. A. Little, N. C. Barth Un-earthing fault-rupture slickenlines: testing a new method to excavate and document paleo slickenlines on active faults T. Kim, J.-H. Choi, Y. Choi, T.-H. Lee A preliminary study on the slip rate and seismic history of a part of the Yangsan Fault, SE Korea Y.-S. Kim, Y. Hong, K. Jin, J.-H. Choi, T. Kim Earthquake damage controlling factors and hazard assessment Y. Klinger, Y. Benjelloun, L. Bollinger, S. L. Forman, A. Landgraf, Jin-Hyuck Choi, S. Antoine, G. Baatarsuren, G. Bayasgalan, Y. Cheon, G. Davaasuren, G. Lauer-Dünkelberg, A. Munkhsaikhan, A. Tsogtbaatar, S. Demberel Repeatibility of the 20th century earthquake cluster in Mongolia: paleoseismology along the Tsetserleg Fault (Mongolia) R. D. Koehler, M. Stirling Paleoseismic characterization of the Buffalo Valley Fault, central Basin and Range, Nevada, USA T. Lallemand, A. Quiquerez, L. Audin, S. Baize, R. Grebo, M. Mathey Combining geological and archaeological evidence to infer the recent tectonics of the Montagne du Vuache Fault, Jura Mountains, France R. Langridge, J.D. Howarth, W. Ries, U. Cochran, M. Sagar, G. Coffey, M. Quigley, J. La Greca, E.J. Rhodes Paleoseismic event dates and paleo- slips following river avulsion at the Marble Hill site, Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand 146 152 158 166 176 180 186 192 198 208 216 224 230 238 244 250 256 262 266 274 280
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