Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
PATA Days 2024 014 R. Aguilera-Cortés, J. Martinod, R. Vassallo, L. Astrade, C. Sue Evidence of 1949 earthquake co-seismic ruptures in western Tierra del Fuego, Chile I. Aguirre, G. Easton Hydrogeological conceptualization of rock aquifers based on geophysical and drilling data as insight for subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago, Chile V. Alvarellos, C. Costa,L. Sagripanti, A. Richard, L. Jagoe, S. Morales Volosin, A. Folguera Assessing Late Quaternary shortening related to footwall splays at the southern section of Las Peñas thrust system, southern Precordillera, Argentina L. F. Arenas Medina, M. T. Ramírez Herrera Application of LiDAR and SfM techniques in the mapping of potentially active faults in Guerrero, Mexico S. Arora, D. Cochran, J. Rimado, G. F. Ortiz, R. Gómez, M. Villalobos Paleoseismic investigation of the Marquesado Fault in San Juan (27-33.5°S), eastern Precordillera, Argentina K. Azúa, F. Pastén-Araya, J. González-Alfaro, J. Salomón, S. Ruiz, C. Pastén, P. Salazar Lithological control of the active Mejillones Fault from Triassic to Quaternary, northern Chile S. Bae, J.-S. OH, N. S. Prasanajit, K. Park, J. Kim, D. Gu, D. Yun, J.-H. Choi, H.-C. Shin, Y.-S. Kim Challenges of paleoseismological analysis of strike-slip Yeongdong Fault in a slowly deforming regions (the central part of Korean Peninsula) S. Baize, T. Kaci, J. Thomas, L. Lubert, D. Graindorge, A. Duperret, B. Le Gall, Y. Méar, J. Brochon, E. Poizot Offshore investigation of neotectonic faults in an intraplate area, between the Norman coast and the Channel Islands S. Baize, T. Azuma, A. Laurendeau, M. Mathey Overview of the environmental effects during the M7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake (1/1/2024) N. C. Barth, J. R. Kearse, T. A. Little, R. J. Van Dissen Curved slickenlines record rupture directivity of paleoearthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand L. Bollinger, M. Riesner, Y. Klinger, M. Rizza, M. Laporte, Ch. Shah, L.B. Adhikari, S.N. Sapkota Surface rupture of historical earthquake(s) at the front of the Chandra Bagh, eastern Nepal P. Boncio, F. Visini, A. Valentini, O. Scotti, A. Testa, F. Nurminen, S. Baize, B. Pace The challenge of estimating the hazard from distributed earthquake surface ruptures: dip slip faults N. Campillay, G. Easton Quaternary crustal deformation and seismic hazard associated with the San Ramón Fault in the foothills of Pirque (~33.5ºS) F. R. Cinti, L. Alfonsi, L. Cucci, D. Pantosti Multidisciplinary approach to investigate "hidden" seismic hazard source: The case of NE-SW Sibari fault zone in lonian northern Calabria (Italy) M. Cisternas, M. Carvajal, B. Saldaña, M. Guerra Geologic evidence of the largest historical tsunami of Metropolitan Chile constrains tsunami hazard in the country's most populated coast D. Clark, J. Griffin, J. O. Espi, L. Jonda, Ph. Cummins, H. Ghasemi Tectonic geomorphology and Holocene uplift rates of the Lae Urban Area, Papua New Guinea H. Conteron, S. Lluno, O. Guzmán, S. Araujo, C. Campos, B. Valencia, A. Guamán, J. Villacrés Cartography of the Porotoyacu Fault in a southern section of the Ecuadorian Amazon C. Cornejo, O. Guzmán, C. Campos Analysis of soft-sediment deformation structures in the Tena Formation - Oriente basin of Ecuador: paleoseismologic implications J. Cortés, L. Pinto, P. Jara Effects of syntectonic sedimentary loading on the evolution of an orogenic border: Analog modeling applied to the Quaternary activity of the Pocuro Fault System, Chilean Andes (32.5ºS) C. Costa Some comments on the morpho-stratigraphic signature of Quaternary thrusting G. P. De Pascale, T. J. Fischer, W. M. Moreland, H. Geirsson, P. Hrubcova, V. Drouin, D. Forester, M. Payet-Clerc, D. Brum da Silveira, J. Vlcek, B. G. Ófeigsson, A. Höskulddsson, H. K. Torfadóttir, I. K. Valdimarsdóttir, B. D. Jónsdóttir Blöndal, I. Jonsdottir, S. Jónsson, T. Thordarson Preliminary plate boundary normal fault ruptures and real time graben formation in Grindavík,Iceland 020 026 030 036 040 048 052 062 068 074 080 086 092 098 104 110 116 124 132 138 142
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