Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
the area south of 32°30'S, characterized by high sedimentation, and the northern sector of 32°30'S, where sediment presence is notably scarce. These two areas interact with the Andean orogenic front, where the regional Pocuro Fault Zone (PFZ) is located (e.g., Estay, 2019). Recent studies have evidenced tectonic activity within the PFZ's influence area, affecting Quaternary units (e.g., Estay et al., 2023). This tectonic activity varies along the latitude, depending on the presence of sedimentary deposits, with the deformation front emerging further westward in areas with lower sediment presence. Based on these observations, fundamental questions arise regarding the relationship between the evolution of structural systems at the orogenic fronts and the presence of sedimentary deposits. Therefore, this study aimed to address these questions through analog models that simulated the process of simple compression at the outer edge of an orogen, comparing the evolution of the structural system in areas with different rates of syntectonic sedimentation at their forefront and applying the results to the recent activity within the PFZ. Fig. 1: Map of the study region indicating the main faults with Quaternary activity and the Los Andes-San Felipe Depression area. Fig. 1: Map of the study region indicating the main faults with Quaternary activity and the Los Andes-San Felipe Depression area.
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