Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

R E F E R E N C E S Alencar, M. L., Correia Filho, O. J., Miranda, T. S. D., Barbosa, J. A., Celestino, M. A. L., Ramos, G. M. S., Araújo, A. F. L. D., Neumann, V. H., Topan, J. G. D. O., & Roemers- Oliveira, E. (2021). Soft-sediment deformation structures in Aptian lacustrine laminites: Evidence of post-rift paleoseismicity in the Araripe basin, NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 105, 102955. Calvo, J. P., Rodriguez-Pascua, M., Martin-Velazquez, S., Jimenez, S., & Vicente, G. D. (1998). Microdeformation of lacustrine laminite sequences from Late Miocene formations of SE Spain: An interpretation of loop bedding. Sedimentology, 45(2), 279- 292. Cornejo, E. C. (2022). Análisis de Sismitas y paleosismología como indicadores de magnitudes de la actividad sísmica de la falla Santa Rosa, en el Piedemonte Amazónico, Ecuador. [Grade Thesis, Universidad Regional Amazónica IKiam]. Gaibor, J., Vallejo, C., Castillo, R., & Pila, P. (2017). Caracterización geológica de la arenisca basal Tena en la parte occidental de la Cuenca Oriente. VIII Jornadas en Ciencias de la Tierra, Quito, Ecuador. Hibsch, C., Alvarado, A. P., Yepes Arostegui, H. A., Sébrier, M., & Pérez, H. (1996). Falla activa de Quito y fuentes sismogenéticas regionales: Un estudio del riesgo sísmico de Quito (Ecuador) con el análisis de los sedimentos cuaternarios. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines, 25(3), 359-388. Hibsch, C., Alvarado, A., Yepes, H., Perez, V. H., & Sébrier, M. (1997). Holocene liquefaction and soft- sediment deformation in Quito (Ecuador): A paleoseismic history recorded in lacustrine sediments. Journal of Geodynamics, 24(1-4), 259- 280. Menzies, J., Meer, J. J. M., & Ravier, E. (2016). A Kinematic Unifying Theory of Microstructures in Subglacial Tills. Sedimentary Geology, 344. Montenat, C., Barrier, P., Ott d′Estevou, P., & Hibsch, C. (2007). Seismites: An attempt at critical analysis and classification. Sedimentary Geology, 196(1-4), 5-30. Moretti, M., & Ronchi, A. (2011). Liquefaction features interpreted as seismites in the Pleistocene f luvio-lacustrine deposits of the Neuquén Basin (Northern Patagonia). Sedimentary Geology - SEDIMENT GEOL, 235, 200-209. Moretti, M., & Sabato, L. (2007). Recognition of trigger mechanisms for soft-sediment deformation in the Pleistocene lacustrine deposits of the Sant' Arcangelo Basin (Southern Italy): Seismic shock vs. overloading. Sedimentary Geology, 196(1-4), 31-45. Rodrı́ guez-Pascua, M. A., Calvo, J. P., De Vicente, G., & Gómez- Gras, D. (2000). Soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in lacustrine sediments of the Prebetic Zone, SE Spain, and their potential use as indicators of earthquake magnitudes during the Late Miocene. Sedimentary Geology, 135(1-4), 117-135. Rudersdorf, A., Hartmann, K., Yu, K., Stauch, G., & Reicherter, K. (2017). Seismites as indicators for Holocene seismicity in the northeastern Ejina Basin, Inner Mongolia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 432(1), 213-231. Shanmugam, G. (2017). Global case studies of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS): Definitions, classifications, advances, origins, and problems. Journal of Palaeogeography, 6(4), 251-320. Tuttle, M. P. (2001). The use of liquefaction features in paleoseismology: Lessons learned in the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States. Journal of Seismology, 5, 361-380.