Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

C O N C L U S I O N S TheDigital ElevationModel (DEM) shows that the Porotoyacu Fault trace extends in a north-south direction, intersecting the subsurface area where it was detected. Seismic tomography data further indicate that the fault hasa reverse geometry, characterized by a steep angle at the surface that gradually transitions to a low angle at depth. This westward-verging fault, which is opposed to the typical eastward tectonic transport observed in Ecuador, is identified as a Backthrust. Additionally, the seismic profile indicates that the slope corresponds to the flank of an anticline. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This study results from the research project CTC-006-2020 and OLLIN IGCP 669. I express my deep gratitude for their invaluable support. I want to express my sincere thanks to the Amazonian Regional University Ikiam for its contribution. My appreciation goes to the community of Las Verónicas, for their generosity in allowing the use of the area for the realization of this study. Finally, I would like to thankmy parents, whose unconditional support regardingmobility Fig. 6: Seismic refraction tomography. The 69-meter SW-NE seismic profile was obtained with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.50 ms. The black lines represent the Porotoyacu Fault and the antithetic fault. The white lines drawn along the profile denote deformations in all the seismostratigraphic units, which are represented by a color palette symbolizing the P-wave velocity (Vp). In addition, the blue star marks the beginning of the slope and the location of the surface fault trace.