Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

108 PATA Days 2024 R E F E R E N C E S Carvajal, M., M. Cisternas, A. Gubler, P. Catalán, P. Winckler and R. Wesson, 2017a. Reexamination of the magnitudes for the 1906 and 1922 Chilean earthquakes using Japanese tsunami amplitudes: implications for source depth constraints. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid earth, 122: 4-17. Carvajal. M., M. Cisternas, P. Catalán, 2017b. Source of the 1730 Chilean earthquake from historical records: Implications for the future tsunami hazard on the coast of Metropolitan Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 122: 3648–3660. Comte, D. , A. Eisemberg, E. Lorca, M. Pardo, L. Ponce, R. Saragoni, S. Singh, G. Suárez, 1986. The 1985 central Chile earthquake: a repeat of previous great earthquakes in the region? Science, 233, 449-453. Dawson, S., P. Costa, A. Dawson, and M. Engel, 2020. Onshore archives of tsunami deposits. In Pilarczyk, J.E., Engel, M. May, M., Garret, E. and Brill, D. Editors (Eds.). Geological Records of Tsunamis and other Extreme Waves, pp. 838, Elsevier. Dura, T., M. Cisternas, B. Horton, L. Ely, A. Nelson, R. Wesson, J. Pilarczyk, 2015. Coastal evidence for Holocene subduction-zone earthquakes and tsunamis in central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews, 113:93-111. Jarrin, P., J. Nocquet, F. Rolandone, H. Mora-Páez, P. Mothes, D. Cisneros, 2023. Current motion and deformation of the Nazca Plate: new constraints from GPS measurements, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 232:842–863, https://doi. org/10.1093/gji/ggac353 Lomnitz, C., 1970. Major earthquakes and tsunamis in Chile during the period 1535 to 1955. International Journal of Earth Sciences 59, 938-960. Moreno, M. , D. Melnick, M. Rosenau, J. Baez, J. Klotz, O. Oncken, et al., 2012. Toward understanding tectonic control on the mw 8.8 2010 Maule Chile earthquake. Earth Planet Sci Lett, 321-322, 152–165. Saillard, M., L. Audin, B. Rousset, J.-P. Avouac, M. Chlieh, S. R. Hall, L. Husson, and D. L. Farber, 2017. From the seismic cycle to long-term deformation: linking seismic coupling and Quaternary coastal geomorphology along the Andean megathrust. Tectonics, 36, 241–256, doi:10.1002/ 2016TC004156. Sippl, C., M. Moreno, R. Benavente, 2021. Microseismicity appears to outline highly coupled regions on the Central Chile megathrust. Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2021JB022252. doi: 10.1029/2021JB022252. Tilmann, F., Y. Zhang, M. Moreno, J. Saul, F. Eckelmann, M. Palo, Z. Deng, A. Babeyko, K. Chen, J. Baez, et al. , 2016. The 2015 Illapel earthquake, central Chile: A type case for a characteristic earthquake? Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, no. 2, 574–583. Zamora, N., A. Gubler, V. Orellana, J. Leon, A. Urrutia, M. Carvajal, M. Cisternas, P. Catalán, P. Winckler, R. Cienfuegos, C. Karich, S. Vogel, J. Galaz, S. Pereira and C. Bertin, 2020. The 1730 Great Metropolitan Chile Earthquake and Tsunami Commemoration: Joint Efforts to Increase the Country’s Awareness. Geosciences, 10, 246:10060246.