Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
102 PATA Days 2024 Fig. 6: Marine terrace distribution along coastlines vs elevation (modified from Cinti et al., 2024). Arrows indicate offset terraces and amount of displacement. The blue line locates the present position of the Crati River. Please note that the seemingly contradicting sense of motion of T4 relative to T2 and T3 is a graphic outlier due to the direction of projection along the transect. The integration of archaeological, geophysical, geological, and geomorphological surveys on the Sibari plain allowed to collect clues to define the length, geometry, and kinematics of a “hidden” active fault, i.e. the Sibari fault zone. The fault zone is composed of subparallel and locally en-echelon traces occurring in a maximum 500 m wide band, running at different elevations across hills and flat lands. The long-term activity of the SFZ left signatures on the morphology and on the drainage setting of the area, and produced faulting of alluvial deposits, marine terraces, drainage incisions, and on the archaeological structures of Sybaris. On the basis of the age of displaced deposits and morphologies, the SFZ shows evidence for activity since at least the Middle- Upper Pleistocene. This fault acts in a key zone connecting the extensional (internal sector - west) and the compressive regions (external sector - east) under an E-W to ENE-WSW maximum horizontal stress.
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