Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
Zone 3: the marine terrace setting by Alfonsi et al. (2023) was carefully analysed. The paleoshorelines delineate a paleogulf that originated at least 124 ka ago. Within this paleogulf sharp anomalies in terraces elevation are observed on the left side of the Crati River (Figure 6). These anomalies have comparable values and occur across the SFZ near the stream deflections. Fig. 3: Archaeoseismic evidence of the SFZ collected at the Sybaris archaeological site (modified from Cinti et al., 2015b, 2024): selected images of laterally shifted wall, deformed and fractured steps and conduit, injection of liquefied sand dissecting the remains. Fig. 4: Geophysical evidence of the SFZ collected at the Sybaris archaeological site (modified from Cinti et al., 2024): 3D GPR acquisition. The red dashed lines in the 3D GPR volume (on the right) are the deep GPR signature of the fractures visible at the surface and interpreted using a GPR time-slice 0.4 m deep. Fig. 5: Analysis of the streams’ courses: view of the SE hill slope of Terranova da Sibari with laterally and vertically offset streams and the schematic trace of the SFZ (red line, modified from Cinti et al., 2024). In correspondence of these sharp deflections, we found fault planes and joints, knick-points, internal channels, waterfalls, potholes, shutter ridges, and, at places, also the former beheaded courses of the channels. All these characteristics indicate the vicinity of the displacement zone, i.e. of the fault line.
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