190 años de la carrera de Obstetricia de la Universidad de Chile 1834-2024

190 años de la Carrera de Obstetricia de la Universidad de Chile: Construyendo historia en la disciplina y en la formación de matronas y matrones en Chile 23 International Confederation of Midwives. Las matronas y matrones al servicio de la co- bertura sanitaria universal. 2024. [Internet]. Disponible en: https://internationalmidwives. org/es/las-matronas-y-matrones-al-servi- cio-de-la-cobertura-sanitaria-universal-2/ International Confederation of Midwives. ICM Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023. [Internet]. Disponible en: https://internationalmidwives. org/wp-content/uploads/2021-2023-icm- strategic-plan-eng-ext_final.pdf Oyarzo-Torres, S. Confederación Internacio- nal de Matronas y construcción de alianzas a nivel global. Lecciones aprendidas para la apli- cación regional. UNFPA/ICM Boletín;(2):5-9. 2021. International Confederation of Midwives. ICM Professional Framework for Midwifery. 2021. [Internet]. Disponible en: https://inter- nationalmidwives.org/wp-content/uploads/ professional-framework-2022-1.pdf World Health Organization (WHO). The role of artificial intelligence in sexual and re- productive health and rights: technical brief [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organiza- tion; 2024. ISBN 978-92-4-009070-5. International Confederation of Midwives. Midwives and Climate: A toolkit for midwives and midwifery advocates during the UN Cli- mate Change Conference (COP). 2024. [Inter- net]. Disponible en: https://midwivesandcli- mate.webflow.io/#using -the-toolkit. Cassie R, Griffith C, Parker G. Promoting po- sitive interactions between midwives and obs- tetricians at the primary/secondary interface. N Z Coll Midwives J. 2021;(57). Referencias McEwen H, Narayanaswamy L. The interna- tional anti-gender movement: understanding the rise of anti-gender discourses in the con- text of development, human rights, and so- cial protection. UNRISD Working Paper No. 2023-06. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD); 2023. International Confederation of Midwives. Northern Europe Region Chapter. Midwi- fery Leadership Guide. 2022. [Internet]. Dis- ponible en: https://internationalmidwives. org/wp-content/uploads/en_guide-for-mid- wi fer y - l eadership_approved-by -coun- cil_20220629.pdf Cap. 1 Sección 1.