Innovación social y pública: experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea

CAPÍTULO VIII. Innovación socio-tecnológica 759 Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL y PÚBLICA Lucero, A., Vaajakallio, K., y Dalsgaard, P. (2012). The dia- logue-labs method: Process, space and materials as structuring elements to spark dialogue in co-design events. CoDesign, 8, 1–23. MacMillan, K., y Wilson, J. D. (2017). Topic supervised non-ne- gative matrix factorization. Miller, T. (2019). Explanation in artificial intelligence: Insights from the social sciences. Artificial Intelligence, 267, 1–38. Muñoz, J. C., y Gschwender, A. (2008). Transantiago: A tale of two cities. Research in Transportation Economics, 22, 45–53. Plaisant, C. (2004). The challenge of information visualiza- tion evaluation. 109–116. Susha, I., Janssen, M., y Verhulst, S. (2017). Data collabo- ratives as a new frontier of cross-sector partnerships in the age of open data: Taxonomy development. Zhu, H., Yu, B., Halfaker, A., y Terveen, L. (2018). Value-sen- sitive algorithm design: Method, case study, and lessons. 2, 1–23.