Innovación social y pública: experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea

CAPÍTULO VIII. Innovación socio-tecnológica Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL y PÚBLICA 738 Gajendran, R. S., Harrison, D. A., y Delaney-Klinger, K. (2015). Are telecommuters remotely good citizens? Unpacking telecommuting’s effects on performance via i-deals and job resources. Personnel Psychology, 68(2), 353–393. Golden, T. D., Veiga, J. F., y Dino, R. N. (2008). The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: Does time spent teleworking, interacting face-to-face, or having access to communication-enhancing technology matter? The Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1412–1421. Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S. M., Johnson, L. C., y Andrey, J. (2008). ‘I’m home for the kids’: Contradictory implications for work-life balance of teleworking mothers. Gender, Work, y Organization, 5, 454–476. Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S. M., Johnson, L. C., y Andrey, J. (2013). Remixing work, family and leisure: Teleworkers’ experiences of everyday life. New Technology, Work and Employment, 28(2), 130–144. Hill, E. J., Miller, B. C., Weiner, S. P., y Colihan, J. (1998). Influences of virtual office on aspects of work and work/life balance. Personnel Psychology, 51, 667–683. Kelliher, C., y Anderson, D. (2010). Doing more with less? Flexible work practices and the intensification of work. Human Relations, 63(1), 83–106. Lee, D., y Kim, S. Y. (2017). Quasi-Experimental Examination of Telework Eligibility and Participation in the U.S. Federal Government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 38(4), 451–471. MacInnes, J. (2005). Diez mitos sobre la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 23(1), 35–71. Martin, B. H., y MacDonnell, R. (2012). Is telework effective for organization? A metaanalysis of empirical research on per- ceptions of telework and organizational outcomes. Management Research Review, 35, 602–616.