Innovación social y pública: experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea
CAPÍTULO V. Innovación en las universidades 521 Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL y PÚBLICA Menon, S., y Suresh, M. (2020). Synergizing education, re- search, campus operations, and community engagements towards sustainability in higher education: A literature review. In- ternational Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(5), 1015–1051. Misiaszek, G. W. (2016). Ecopedagogy as an element of citi- zenship education: The dialectic of global/local spheres of citizenship and critical environmental pedagogies. International Review of Education, 62(5), 587–607. s11159-016-9587-0 Mora, J. G., Serra, M. A., y Vieira, M. J. (2018). Social Engagement in Latin American Universities. Higher Education Policy, 31(4), 513–534. 0069-1 Ostrow Michel, J. (2019). An assessment of teaching and learning about sustainability across the higher education curriculum. Environmental Education Research, 25(12), 1806–1807. https:// Parkes, S., Benkwitz, A., Bardy, H., Myler, K., y Peters, J. (2020). Being more human: Rooting learning analytics through re sistance and re connection with the values of higher educa- tion. Higher Education Research y Development, 39(1), 113–126. Parsons, T., y Platt, G. (1973). The American University (T. Parsons y G. Platt, Eds.). Harvard University Press. Rodríguez-Solera, C. R., y Silva-Laya, M. (2017). Higher education for sustainable development at EARTH University. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(3), 278–293. Sánchez-Carracedo, F., Sureda Carbonell, B., y Moreno-Pino, F. M. (2020). Analysis of sustainability presence in Spanish higher education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(2), 393–412. IJSHE-10-2019-0321
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