A 50 años del inicio de la fonoaudiología en Chile: experiencias y desafíos actuales en salud pública
90 FEMINIST ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: AN EXPERIENCE WITH OLDER PEOPLE FROM VALPARAISO Abstract I will present a methodological review of a speech-language intervention with older people fromValparaíso, based on workshops using a feminist ethical approach. After the theoretical discussion, and showing concrete examples from the workshops, I will argue that four fundamental ideas can set a feminist speech therapy practice: “Subjectivity does matter”, “We will never be neutral”, “The personal it is political” and “We must observe power and deconstruct it”. Hence, the therapeutic role is crucial to developing this feminist approach. Therefore, I invite the professional community to be agents of change to build a fairer society for everyone, which implies being aware of the multiple inequities that people experience in everyday lives. Keywords: ethics, feminism, old age, speech therapy, therapy.
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