A 50 años del inicio de la fonoaudiología en Chile: experiencias y desafíos actuales en salud pública

260 SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY SPEECH THERAPY, FROM A TERRITORIAL PRAXIS. SUPPORT EXPERIENCE IN THE FOOD CRISIS Abstract The chapter describes the experience of support in the food crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, from a multidisciplinary work through an articulation between the academy and the territories. From the constitution of a motor group where the concerns and opinions of the different social actors converge, a series of documents were elaborated that accompany the work of the common pots and knowledge meetings are held that position the reflexive nature of the task in front of reality. Territorial linkage is considered necessary from a positive health perspective, where assets are relieved in the social construction of well-being. In this context, speech therapy emerges as knowledge and actions in dialogue with the popular knowledge of the territories, capable of facilitating well-being and the right to food. Keywords: food, speech therapy, territory.