A 50 años del inicio de la fonoaudiología en Chile: experiencias y desafíos actuales en salud pública
218 SPEECH THERAPY AND COMMUNITY- BASED REHABILITATION: LINKAGE IN THE LA PINTANA COMMUNITY REHABILITATION CENTER Abstract Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is defined as a local community development strategy in means to facilitate inclusive health, ensuring access for all people with disability. In the commune of La Pintana, this strategy has been developed at the Community Center for Physical Rehabilitation (CCR), which has been in practice for 12 years, forming over time an inter and transdisciplinary team of Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Administrative and Community Leaders. In January 2012, a Speech Therapist was introduced to the CCR staff, this milestone and experience over the years will be discussed further, providing insight, consideration, and suggestions on how to link new professionals in this context of care. Keywords: community-based rehabilitation, community participation, disability, speech therapists.
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