A 50 años del inicio de la fonoaudiología en Chile: experiencias y desafíos actuales en salud pública
204 SPEECH THERAPY IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: A VIEW FROM THE MORE SELF- RELIANT OLDER ADULTS PROGRAM Abstract More self-reliant older adults’ program is a reinforcement schedule in Primary Health Care and aims to improve the individual and community capacity of elderly people and expand their system of connections in the ageing process. The plan is to reduce morbidity, disability and premature mortality from chronic non-communicable conditions, mental disorders, violence, and trauma (casualties), among others. In addition, it focuses on reducing risk factors through the development of healthy habits and lifestyles to improve people’s health throughout the life cycle. The chapter comprises the relevance of speech and language therapy in this program through work and cognitive training, as well as the promotion of self-care and healthy lifestyles in elderly people. Keywords: ageing, elderly people, primary health care, self-reliant.
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