Inter- y transdisciplina en la educación superior universitaria: reflexiones desde América Latina
281_ Núcleo de Investigación en Inter- y Transdisciplina para la Educación Superior (NITES) INTER ! Y TRANSDISCIPLINA EN LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR LATINOAMERICANA Sección III: Experiencias de inter- y transdisciplina Cristina Zurbrigger Turnbull, N. (2006). How should we theorise public policy? Problem solving and problematicity. Policy and Society , 25(2), 3-22. Turnhout, E., Metze, T.,Wyborn, C., Klenk, N. y Louder, E. (2020). The politics of co-production: participation, power, and transformation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability , 42(2018), 15–21. Tversky, A. y Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Science , 185(4157), 1124-1131. Ulrich, W. (1983). Critical heuristics of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy . Bern, Switzerland, and Stuttgart, Germany: Paul Haupt. Ulrich,W. (2017). SystemsThinking as if People Mattered Part 2/2: Practicing Boundary Critique, Practice, (December) , 1–15. Ulrich, W. y Reynolds, M. (2010). Critical systems heuristics. En Systems approaches to managing change: A practical guide, 243-292. Springer. Venturini, T. (2010). Diving in magma: how to explore controversies with actor-network theory. Public Understanding of Science 19(3), 258–273. Vos, A., Biggs, R. and Preiser, R. (2020). Methods for understanding social- ecological systems: a review of place. Ecology and Society 24(4), 16. Westberg, L. y Polk, M. (2016). The role of learning in transdisciplinary research: moving from a normative concept to an analytical tool through a practice-based approach. Sustainability Science , 11(3), 385– 397. Wilson, E. O. (1998). Consilience: The unity of knowledge . Abacus. Ž i ž ek, S. (2019). The sublime object of ideology. Verso Books.
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