Policy Brief - La sobremedicalización del parto y nacimiento en Chile
ANEXO N°3 Artículos científicos seleccionados en la Revisión Bases de Datos: Pub Med, Scopus, Lilacs y Google Scholar Título Autores/as Año Link Maternal and perinatal outcomes by planned place of birth among women with low- risk pregnancies in high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis Scarf VL, Rossiter C, Vedam S, Dahlen HG, Ellwood D, Forster D, Foureur MJ, McLachlan H, Oats J, Sibbritt D, Thornton C, Homer CSE. 2018 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/29727829/ Developing operational standards for Midwifery Centers Jennifer R Stevens, Cristina Alonso 2020 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/33242702/ Organising safe and sustainable care in alongside midwifery units: Findings from an organisational ethnographic study Christine McCourt, Susanna Rance, Juliet Rayment, Jane Sandall 2018 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/30032066/ Developing quality indicators for assessing quality of birth centre care: a mixed- methods study Inge C Boesveld, Marieke A A Hermus, Hanneke J de Graaf, Marit Hitzert, Karin M van der Pal-de Bruin, Raymond G de Vries, Arie Franx, Therese A Wiegers 2017 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/28768487/ Mapping midwifery and obstetric units in England Denis Walsh 1, Helen Spiby, Celia P Grigg, Miranda Dodwell, Christine McCourt, Lorraine Culley, Simon Bishop, Jane Wilkinson, Dawn Coleby, Lynne Pacanowski, Jim Thornton, Sonia Byers 2017 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/29024869/ The opportunity costs of birth in Australia: Hospital resource savings for a post-COVID-19 era Emily J Callander, Claudia Bull, Rhona McInnes, Jocelyn Toohill 2021 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm . nih.gov/33580537/ Defining and describing birth centres in the Netherlands - a component study of the Dutch Birth Centre Study M.A.A. Hermus, I.C. Boesveld , M. Hitzert, A. Franx, J.P. de Graaf, E.A.P. Steegers, T.A. Wiegers and K.M. van der Pal-de Bruin 2017 https:// bmcpregnancychildbirth. biomedcentral.com/track/ pdf/10.1186/s12884-017- 1375-8.pdf Recomendaciones asistenciales a la mujer en el parto y postparto y al recién nacido durante la pandemia de COVID-19: revisión sistemática exploratoria Mascarenhas, Victor Hugo Alves; Caroci-Becker, Adriana; Venâncio, Kelly Cristina Máxima Pereira; Baraldi, Nayara Girardi; Durkin, Adelaide Caroci; Riesco, Maria Luiza Gonzalez 2020 https://pesquisa.bvsalud. org/portal/resource/es/ biblio-1126993 Obstáculos a la aplicación de las recomendaciones para la atención del parto normal: revisión rápida de evidencia Oliveira, Cintia de Freitas; Ribeiro, Aline Ângela Victoria; Luquine Junior, Cézar D; de Bortoli, Maritsa Carla; Toma, Tereza Setsuko; Chapman, Evelina Maria Gracia; Barreto, Jorge Otávio Maia. 2021 https://pesquisa.bvsalud. org/portal/resource/es/ biblio-1251995 15 UN I V E R S I DAD DE CH I L E Vicerrectoría de Inves tigación yDesarrollo INVESTIGACIÓN INNOVACIÓN CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA POLICY BRIEF
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