Manejo fonoaudiológico de la persona con afasia
CAPITULO 14 / COMPAÑEROS DE COMUNICACIÓN PARA PERSONAS CON AFASIA 94 MANEJO FONOAUDIOLÓGICO DE LA PERSONA CON AFASIA Spaccavento, S., Craca, A., Del Prete, M., Falcone, R., Colucci, A., Di Palma, A., & Loverre, A. (2014). Quality of life measurement and outcome in aphasia. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treat- ment, 10, 27-37. Turner, S., & Whitworth, A. (2006). Conversational partner tra- ining programmes in aphasia: A review of key themes and participants’ roles. Aphasiology, 20(6), 483-510. https://doi. org/10.1080/02687030600589991 Worrall, L., & Cruice, M. (2005).Why theWHOICF and QOL cons- tructs do not lend themselves to programmatic appraisal for planningtherapyforaphasia.AcommentaryonRossandWertz, “Advancing appraisal: Aphasia and the WHO. Aphasiology, 19(9), 885-893.
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