Reanimación neonatal: aprendiendo interactivamente
Capítulo 6 / Compresiones Torácicas REANIMACIÓN NEONATAL 64 chest compression versus 3:1 chest compression-to- ventilation ratio during cardiopulmonary resuscitation of asphyxiated newborns: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2019 Febrero; 20(1). 10. Narayen I, Smit M, van Zwet E, Dawson J, Blom N, B te Pas E. Low Signal Quality Pulse Oximetry Measurements in Newborn Infants Are Reliable for Oxygen Saturation but Underestimate Heart Rate. Acta paediatrica. 2015 Abril; 104(4). 11. Van Vonderen J, Hooper S, Kroese J, Roest A, Narayen I, E. vZ, et al. Pulse Oximetry Measures a Lower Heart Rate at Birth Compared With Electrocardiography. The journal of pediatrics. 2015 Enero; 166(1).
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