Estudios en homenaje a Alfredo Matus Olivier. Volumen I

– 170 – Estudios en homenaje a Alfredo Matus Olivier DLE. Real Academia Española yAsociación deAcademias de la Lengua Española. Diccionario de la lengua española. 23ª edición. Madrid: Espasa, 2014. NGLE. Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Morfología y sintaxis. 2 vols. Madrid: Espasa, 2009. Otras referencias Ameka, Felix y Stephen Levinson. 2007. The typology and semantics of locative predicates: posturals, positionals, and other beasts. Linguistics 45: 847-871. Berthele, Raphael. 2004. The typology of motion and posture verbs: Avariationist account, en Bernd Kortmann (ed.). Dialectology meets Typology. Dialect Grammar from a Cross- Linguistic Perspective , pp. 93-126. Berlín/ Nueva York: Mouton / De Gruyter. Bosque, Ignacio. 2017. Sobre los verbos de memoria y la interpretación semántica de sus argumentos. Lingüística (ALFAL) 33(1): 9-32. –––––––– 2019. Verbos de ausencia, carencia y omisión. En Ramón González Ruiz y otros (eds.), Lengua, cultura y discurso. Estudios ofrecidos al profesor Manuel Casado Velarde, pp. 525-540. Pamplona: Eunsa. Camilleri, Maris y Louisa Sadler. 2017. Posture verbs and aspect: Aview from vernacular Arabic. En Miriam Butt & Tracy Holloway King (eds.). Proceedings of the LFG’17 Conference University of Konstanz, pp. 167–187. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Delbecque, Nicole. 2015. Variable aspectual coercion in Spanish fictive motion expressions. En Elisa Barrajón et al. (eds.). Verbal classes and aspect, pp.153-184. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Fábregas, A. et al. 2012. From psych verbs to nouns. En Violeta Demonte y Louise McNaally (eds.). Telicity, change, and state: A cross-categorial view of event structure , pp. 162-184. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Frase, Katherine. 2018. Polysemous posture in English: a case study of non-literal meaning. Oslo Studies in Language 10 (2): pp. 9-28. Gamerschlag, Thomas et al. 2013. Sitting, standing, and lying in frames: A frame-based approach to posture verbs. En Guram Bezhanishvili et al. (eds.). Logic, language, and computation . Berlín/ Heidelberg: Springer. Accesible en Internet. Gibbs, Raymond W. 2002. Embodied standing and the psychological semantics of stand . En Newman (ed.), pp. 387-400. Heine, Bernd y Tania Kuteva. 2002. World lexicon of grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Johnson, Mark y George Lakoff. 2002. Why cognitive linguistics requires embodied realism, Cognitive Linguistics 13(3): 245-263. Johnson, Mark. 1987 . The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason . Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Koontz-Garboden, Andrew. 2011. The lexical semantics of derived statives. Linguistics & Philosophy 33: 285-324. Lakoff, George y Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lemmens, Maarten. 2002. The semantic network of Dutch posture verbs. En John Newman (ed.), pp. 103–131. –––––––– 2005. Aspectual posture verb constructions in Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 17(3): 183-217. Matlock, Teenie. 2004. The conceptual motivation of fictive motion. En Günter Radden y Klaus-Uwe Panther (eds,), Studies in linguistic motivation , pp. 221-248. Berlín/ Nueva York: Mouton de Gruyter. Newman, John (ed.). 2002a. The linguistics of sitting, standing, and lying. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.