Las estancias magallánicas

1980 Freeman, P., The Woolshed; a Riverina An– thology, OUP, Sydney, Australia. 1980 Palmer, J. y Symes, D., The Great Days of Wools, Rigby, Adelaide, Australia. 1981 Cameron, H.W.A., Old New Zeland Barns and Woolsheds, Tesis, University of Auck– land, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1981 Gillies, L., A Homestead, Tesis, University of Auck1and, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1982 Wheeler, C., Historie Sheep Stations of New Zeland, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1983 Bevin, N., Corrngated !ron, A New Zeland Perspective, Tesis, Universidad de Auck1and, Auckland, New Zeland. 1983 Chapple, et al., Corrngated iron in New Ze– land, Reed, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1983 Stinton, E., A Pictorial History ofThe Wyong shire, Lakes Printers, Wyong, New South Wales, Australia. 1985 Garran, J.C., Merinos, Myths and Macar– thurs, Australian National University Press, Australia. 1985 Turner, B., Australia's Iron Lace, Allen and Unwin, NSW, Australia. 1986 Watt, T., The Architecture of the New Zeland Woolshed, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zeland. 96 1986 Thorton, G., The New Zeland Heritage of Farm Buildings, Reed Methuen, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1989 Apperly, R. et al., Identifying Australian Ar– chitecture, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, Australia. 1992 Stewart, D., TheNewZeland Villa, Pastand Present, Bookmakers, Auck1and, New Zeland. 1992 King, T., The Woolshed, Research Report, Victoria University in Wellington, New Ze– land. 1992 Drew, Ph., Veranda, Embracing Place, An– gus and Robertson, New South Wales, Aus– tralia. 1993 Historie Houses Trust of New South Wales, Wool in the Australian Imagination, New South Wales, Australia. 1994 Fulton, W.H., New Zeland Vemacular, The Woolshed, Fulton, Wellington, New Zeland. 1995 Parker, W.J., Woolshed Design, Riverside Farm Publication Nº 3, Massey University, New Zeland. 1995 King, A., The Bungalow, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 1995 Historie Houses Trust, Elizabeth Farm, Pa– rramatta, A History and a Cuide, Historie Houses Trust, New South Wales, Australia. 1996 Toomath, W., Buil in New Zeland, The Hou– ses we live in, Harpers Collins Publishers, Auck1and, New Zeland.