Las estancias magallánicas

Bibliografía específica ( en relación con la búsqueda del precedente de la arquitectura de las estancias magallánicas) 1852 Hughes, W., The Australian Colonies, Their Origin and Present Condition, London. 1897 Friend, P., Australian Dairyman and Far– mers, London. 1940 Studholme, E., The Waimate, Early Station Life, Reed, Auckland, New Zeland. 1961 Tait, C.A., Farms and Stations of New Ze– land, Cronwell Publishing Co., Auckland New Zeland, 1957, Vol. 1, 1957, Vol. 2, 1958, Vol. 3. 1965 Clune, F., Seareh for the Golden Fleece: The story of the Peppin Merino, Angus and Ro– bertson, Sydney, Australia. 1967 Harris, A., The Emigrant Family or the Story of an Australian Settler, Australian National University Press, Camberra, Australia. 1968 Roberts, S.H., History of Australian Land Settlement 1788-1920, Macmillan, Mel– bourne, Australia. 1969 Fitzpatrick, B., The British Empire in Austra– lia 1834-1939. Melbourne, Macmillan of Australia, Melbourne, Australia. 1969 Cox, P. & Freeland, J., Rude Timber Buil– dings in Australia, Thames and Hudson, Sydney, Australia. 1970 Macgregor, M., The Early Stations of Haw– ke's Bay Provinee, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Auck– land, New Zeland. 95 1970 Harvey, N., A history of Farm Building in England and Wales, David and Charles, Londres. 1971 Wheeler, C., Historie Sheep Stations of the North Island, A .H. & A.W. Reed, Auckland, New Zeland. 1971 Pinney, R., Early South Canterbury Runs, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Auckland, New Zeland . 1971 Fowler, M., Country Houses of New Zeland, North Island. 1972 Freeland, J.M., Arehiteeture in Australia: A History, Penguin Books, Melbourne, Aus– tralia. 1972 Jenkins, J.G., The Wool Textile Industry in Great Britain, Routledge and Kegan, Lon– don, England. 1973 Wheeler, C., Historie Sheep Stations of the South Island, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Auckland, New Zeland. 1976 Brett, Sir H ., White Wings: Fifty YearsofSail in the N ew Zeland Trade 1850-1900, Cap– per Press, Christchurch, New Zeland. 1978 Boyd, R., Australia's Home: Why Australias Built the Way They Did, Penguin Books, Melbourne, Australia. 1978 Thorton, G., New Zeland Industrial Herita– ge, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington, New Zeland.