Leer, hablar y escribir de manera efectiva en contextos académicos: consejos de Armadillo Lab opara las ciencias e ingeniería
The science project argues that ozone gas emissions could predict earthquakes. The project is still at an experimental phase, but it hopes it can be useful in predicting earthquakes. Over the last 15 years, there have been many attempts to discover if earthquakes can be predicted. A recent study by Searle, 2019 has explored the causal relationship between ozone gas and earthquakes. According to the author, this would occur as a result of the subterranean rock that fractures before an earthquake with the subsequent release of ozone gas. Despite being promising research, it is still in its experimental phase, so the results are not conclusive. In this project, the author discusses an ongoing research that attempts to provide evidence for the theory of ozone gas as predictor of earthquakes. He explains how an earthquake occurs so that the audience understands what his rationale behind the project is. To test this theory, his team will place devices to measure levels of ozone gas near fault lines and check if the gas increases before an earthquake. Finally, the author hopes this will be successful in order to make further advances in earthquake science and benefit the general population, as well. Summary 2 Summary 3 Summary 4 Check the boxes that apply. What can you conclude? Is there a summary format you use more often? Are there summary formats suitable for more than one purpose and audience? Situation / Summary 1 2 3 4 Purpose: personal study notes Audience: you Purpose: class summary assignment Audience: your professor Purpose: research material notes Audience: you Purpose: part of a literature review Audience: your professor or other experts in the field 175
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