Mejorar la educación : aprendizajes desde la investigación educativa
Beatrice Ávalos 138 aún es estudiar y valorar por sí mismas las experiencias positivas de desarrollo profesional docente colaborativo que relatan los/as propios/as docentes, con el fin de utilizarlas como ejemplos para las actividades de desarrollo profesional docente en situaciones de formación docente continua. Bibliografía Ávalos-Bevan, B. y Bascopé, M. (2017). Teacher informal collaboration for professional improvement: Beliefs, contexts and experience. Educa- tion Research International , Belfi, B., Gielen, S., De Fraine, B, Verschueren, K. y Meredith, C. (2015). School-based social capital: The missing link between schools’ so- cioeconomic composition and collective teacher efficacy. Teacher and Teaching Education , (45), 33-44. Cuban, L. (2013). Inside the blackbox of classroom practice. Change without reform in American education . Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press. De Vries, S., Van De Grift, W. J. C. M. y Jansen, E. P. W. A. (2014). How teacher’s beliefs about learning and teaching relate to their conti- nuing professional development. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice , 20 (3), 338-357. Forte, A. y Flores, M. A. (2014). Teacher collaboration and professional development in the workplace: A study of Portuguese teachers. Eu- ropean Journal of Teacher Education , 37 (1), 91-105. Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W. K. y Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure and impact on student achievement. American Education Research Journal , 37 (2), 479-507. Hargreaves, A. y Fullan, M. (2012). Professional capital: Transforming teaching in every school. New York: Teachers College Press. Kvam, E.K. (2018).Untapped learning potential?A study of teachers’ conver- sations with colleagues in primary schools inNorway. Cambridge Jour- nal of Education , 48 (6). DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2017.1418833. Little, J.W. (1990).The persistence of privacy: Autonomy and initiative in tea- chers’ professional relations. Teachers College Record , 91 (4), 509-536. Lohman, M. C. (2005). Environmental inhibitors to informal learning in the workplace: A case study of public school teachers. Adult Edu- cational Quarterly , 50 (2), 83-101. OECD (2014). New insights from TALIS 2013: Teaching and learning in primary and upper secondary education. París: OECD Publishing.
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