Present state of the spanish colonies : including a particular report of Hispañola or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo ; with a general survey of the settlements on the south continent of America, as relates to history, trade, population, customs, manners ; with a concise statement of the sentiments of the people on their relative situation to the mother country

Chapter XV. Division of territory - ... 7
Chapter XVI. How South America was first peopled - ... 26
Chapter XVII. Civilized Indians - … 56
Chapter XVIII. Characteristic Sketch es of the American Spaniards 75
Chapter XIX. Climate of Spanisb America - … 105
Chapter XX. Administration of Justice - … 121
Chapter XXI. Negro slaves - … 146
Chapter XXII. Trade of Spanish America 157
Chapter XXIII. Population 185
Chapter XXIV. Considerations on the relative situation of the Spanish Colonies to the Mother Country 199